October 18, 2024

President Trump Faces an Uphill Battle as Democrats Rally around Joe Biden’s claim.

The slow counting of ballots creates distrust in America’s election process.

More than a week after the people have cast their votes in the Presidential election, there is still no clear-cut winner. In the minds of more than 70 million Americans, some hanky-panky took place in counting the ballots during and after their votes were casts. At this point, no one knows who the President will be in 2021 – although Biden has declared himself and Shamala Harris the winners.

With six battleground states up for grabs, grandpa Biden runs around. He self-certifies the election results instead of waiting for the states to certify them legally mandated and customarily done.Meanwhile, President Trump has named three political allies to top posts in his administration. Kash Patel is named as chief of staff to acting Defense secretary Chris Miller.  Ezra Cohen-Watnick has been promoted to Under-secretary of Intel over at the Pentagon, and Retired General Anthony Tata hired on as Acting Defense Under-secretary.Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan, Arizona, Wisconsin, and North Carolina are hotly contested states that Biden and his cronies pull a quick swindle on the votes.Wisconsin is experiencing record numbers of COVID-19 cases because of the super-spreader marches and riots that took place thereafter the killing of George Floyd by a Minneapolis police officer.Continuing his march to possible election fraud, Joe Biden has named Ron Klaine as his new chief of Staff should his bid for the White House becomes successful.Ron Klaine is a political hack that often appears on MSNBC, making contradictory statements about the coronavirus. Fifty-nine-year-old Klain was also President Obama’s Czar in charge of dealing with the Ebola crisis – a job he would admit he failed to do properly. Klain is the first-person Biden has selected to be in his cabinet.Staff Writer: Devon Castro


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